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Greenhill Villa - Ceiling Void.
Hi All,

I find the fire rate promat in kitchen ceiling void?

What's that at back-side and function?

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Can Use Chinese?Thanks
武德訓 Zz...
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what is it inside the wall? I’m so curious.  unscrew the plate and let’s find out.本留言最後由 Willchai 於 2020-06-27 13:57:56 編輯
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回應 #1 bigten1220

Can you try to unscrew those bolts? It shouldn't be a problem to remove the plate...
擴→市4 G1320  
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回應 #4 Willchai

I maybe to remove the promat.
It hasn't fire rated seal gel at the sides.
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Is it near the MCB board? probably the cover for adaptable box of the power cable
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Open it and you will find out what happened
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回應 #7 derek_kwlee

Maybe. adaptable box, or junction box.
It's my 1st time to found that! I haven't that at other estate/building.
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I relocted  the MCB and at the same time opened the board IT IS  A JUNCTION  BOX underneath
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