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一分錢一分貨...所以知道設計有錯失都照買, 明白就好!
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回應 #61 bctiv999

你從那裹知道是開放式管理?我衹知部份單位設計冇間房是開放式單位本留言最後由 cococo2222 於 2022-11-14 22:33:50 編輯
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回應 #66 cococo2222

2. Rights and privileges granted to other Owners to pass and repass and to use certain Residential Blocks Common Areas and Facilities
In addition to the above rights and privileges, the Owners, their successors in title and assigns and their servants, visitors, workmen, licensees and occupiers, in common with the Owners, the residents and occupiers of the Residential Blocks, their bona fide visitors and all persons having the like right shall, subject to the provisions of this Deed and the said lease, at any time or times and from time to time, have the full and unrestricted right to pass and repass and to use such of the Residential Blocks Common Areas and Facilities, or any component part(s)
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回應 #68 bctiv999

I didn't find any clause above refer to public allow to enter the common area without the consent of the owner本留言最後由 cococo2222 於 2022-11-15 00:43:14 編輯
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