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By the way,  as admin vickyeung said,  it is 1983,
not the oldest in tuenmun area,  but if u really
LittleTina 發表於 2017-07-15 18:38:30 原文

thanks for ur advice.
thanks u very much.
i will bring my kid to take a look + consult her opinion.
it was because the school she attended is located at yaumatei.
it will be time consuming when she go to school everyday.
i will take this house if without other bad spot.
as for yan tin, no one know the future. i will 順其自然 + let it be...
thanks to all members.
G1303 新2
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hi, do u know how many floor of 蝶翎樓? thanks
sunschow 發表於 2017-07-16 09:09:56 原文


同埋最好親身去睇下個環境,而家交通配套都好方便,唔好聽人講話舊就唔要 ,同埋邊有咁多新樓俾你,欣田邨而家都要遲,等得黎都用晒3次機會

你去現場自己感覺睇下環境最好 本帖最後由 dickli 於 2017-07-17 01:32:11 編輯
G1302XXXX 擴展2人05/12年 > 16年9月中轉新界, 19/10(網上轉S1) 11/11 (網上轉暫緩) 3/12(解除暫緩) ,10/12 轉S1,28/12(審查),29/12補交文件 ,29/03/17 網上轉S2 ,26/5 S3 ,30/5 S4
01/06 收信派蝴蝶邨 23/06 取匙安居樂業
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dickli 發表於 2017-07-17 01:30:06 原文

thanks for ur reply.
anyway, my kid's opinion is critical.
if she says yes, i will listen to her.
perhaps she will stay there 10-20 years if no one date her.
therefore, she cannot blame me because it is her choice.

finally, thanks again!  
G1303 新2
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thanks for ur advice.
thanks u very much.
i will bring my kid to take a look + consult her opinion....
sunschow 發表於 2017-07-16 22:23:02 原文

ya, just bring her to take a look, it might be time consuming to go to yaumatei every school day.
Maybe she should consider changing to another school...otherwise maybe quite hard for her...
So her opinion is critical.
擴2 g1292-95(12年1月登記)
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