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回應 52# mandy168

    which floor ah ???
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回應 53# conniemcau
5樓呀 底左D
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回應 54# mandy168

   Hope you don't mind it, It is important that  自己覺得 it is a 安樂窩 and make you have a 舒適感覺 after your decoration
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回應 55# conniemcau
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回應 57# winnie_1029

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什麼是pm呵! 新嚟, 唔知是什麼~~ 多多拍教 ~~
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本帖最後由 conniemcau 於 2011-3-12 22:01 編輯

回應 59# mamahei

   PM means " 發短訊" to other members , but the content of this message just only seen by this  member  you sent, other members can't see the content of this message.  This icon can be found on the left hand side and below of the 頭像. You first choose "who" you want to send the message,  click  the icon "發短訊"  and then begin to type the content you want to type and send.
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