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catal 發表於 2013-6-14 20:08:25

Honestly speaking, please don't use the resignation letter below as a sample. The contents are entirely impolite.

If you use this sample as your resignation letter, I'm afraid that you are very hard to find another job. It is because the new company sometimes will ask the reference check with your former company about your
personality and working performance.  

As you want to resign from your job due to your health problem, you just take this reason straight forward to
write the resignation.  Therefore, the letter is only clearly mention the reason why you resign, the resignation
effectve date and ask the company to give you the working reference as well.

The Sample is :

Dear Mr/Ms XXX,

Owing to my health problem, I would like to resign from my job effecive (date, month, year) as one month notice from the date of this letter.  During my past 5 years working in the company, I learn a lot of knowledge from my job and have a good relationship and co-operation with my colleagues.  It is very valuable to me during these few years.

I wish the company business will be more successful in future and finallly I will be glad to have a company
testimonial before I leave.

(Your signature)
XXXXXX (Your name)
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