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In My Dreams / 在我的夢裡
In My Dreams - 新居昭乃 (Akino Arai) 《G Gundam》(插曲)

Tonight, just saying goodbye makes me feel
Like we'll be apart forever.
Moonlight casts your shadow in my eyes
Please promise me to come back again.

I don't wanna be alone
'Cause I have already known
How much I've been in Love with you
(And) It's no lie.

Please tell me, why can't I live without you?
I don't know how to get over misery

Now I lost in the stream of your love
Just like a mermaid.

I know, there is someone on your mind
But I know, too. It's not me.

I always lose my way
Whenever you are away

Find the key to the mystery of love
(But it) ends in vain

Please tell me, why can't I live without you?
I don't know how to get over this pain
Now I got lost in the stream of your love
Just like a mermaid.

Please believe in what you see
Give your precious kiss to me
We will find perfect world
maybe someday.

Please do not go
There's no one else but you
I don't know how
to get over such pain

Now, I know I'll see you once again
But only in my dreams

在我的夢裡 - 鍾蔚靈 《G Gundam》粵語版插曲 (中文歌詞)
G Gundam - In My Dreams (Cantonese Version)
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In My Dreams - 新居昭乃 (Akino Arai) 《G Gundam》插曲

在我的夢裡 - 鍾蔚靈 《G Gundam》粵語版插曲
G Gundam OST 2 | 06 In Between My Dreams ~ In My Dreams
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