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回應  fony
andycym 發表於 06-10-2016 22:35:03 原文

不是咬文嚼字, 只是一般平凡主題字名。
Relationship is like a puzzle ,while matching the piece together ,we might have made mistakes.
We need to replace the wrong one with the right in order to continue the game.
~~~自由飛翔~ 向日本出發>>>>>>>>>>
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回應 #12 fony
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回應  fony
andycym 發表於 07-10-2016 18:29:15 原文

況且圖片賣點唔係服裝 ,而係攝影師作品。另外有打扮(化妝)的,只係你睇唔到者!
Relationship is like a puzzle ,while matching the piece together ,we might have made mistakes.
We need to replace the wrong one with the right in order to continue the game.
~~~自由飛翔~ 向日本出發>>>>>>>>>>
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回應 #14 fony
都話 fony姐係大狀人才啦,邊度夠妳講。  
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回應  fony
都話 fony姐係大狀人才啦,邊度夠妳講。  
andycym 發表於 07-10-2016 18:55:03 原文

大佬, 你咁樣形容,我都唔敢講野。 ......
Relationship is like a puzzle ,while matching the piece together ,we might have made mistakes.
We need to replace the wrong one with the right in order to continue the game.
~~~自由飛翔~ 向日本出發>>>>>>>>>>
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回應 #16 fony
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