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心平氣和   雲淡風輕
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This is my first time leave message here,my daughter recieve letter to see Lei Lung House Flat xx08 next Wed. Is 08 flat enough for 3 persons?
But she targets for Chai Wan /漁灣邨 漁進樓 because we all live in Chai Wan and her daughter will enter P.1 in Eastern District in Hong Kong side. I just saw many good comments about Lei Lung House but the little girl needs to go to HK side everyday for schooling, I doubt is it a good idea to accept this flat ? This is her 1st time receive letter for selection of flat.
Can anyone give us advise? Many many thanks  
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回應 #63 Tackle

Congratulations. What's a surprise for first flat allocation. I will strongly suggest your daughter to take this offer because no one can tell you that if you rejected this, then you will be allocated to the Yue Chun House next time. As I know, too many people are allocated to more than 40 years old flat in this bone period.本留言最後由 海賊王 於 2020-06-12 23:30:38 編輯
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回應 #64 海賊王

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回應  海賊王

Tackle 發表於 2020-06-13 10:37:06 原文
市2-G1324-G1326 / 02年一人申請 / 02年中藍卡 / 13年加了家人入了擴2 / 15年轉市2 /
2019年08月尾見主任 / 經過了17年慢慢長月 / 2019年10月尾派元州邨元樂樓 / 2019年11月18日正式收樓 / 住住先會更加努力去改善生活質素及環境
寒舍 :
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lei lung house is good!
7/2104 派翠屏北村-拒絕
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