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本帖最後由 傻 於 2016-10-26 20:29:50 編輯
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回應 #21


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衰咗本帖最後由 fung凰 於 2016-10-26 20:37:04 編輯
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回應 #23 fung凰

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If you scored above 10 you may be a super recogniser, but you would need to do more tests to find this out. This test on its own is not diagnostic of super-recognition face recognition ability.

At the University of Greenwich we normally ask participants, particularly police officers, to take a series of different tests under very different conditions to build up a true picture of face recognition ability...  

We are always looking for volunteers willing to take part in our research programme in order to help us develop new tests and to understand more about why some people are better than others at face recognition.

If you would like to take further tests, and/or contribute to our research programme you have two options:

1. If you do not have time to participate now, you can leave your e-mail address and we will contact you in the near future

2. If you decide to proceed now, you will be directed to take part in four tests, taking up to 15 min each

1. Cambridge Face Recognition Test
2. Mooney's Recognition Test
3. Object Recognition Test
4. Glasgow Face Matching Test

Sometimes we have had job opportunities for participants who score exceptionally highly on these follow up tests - although so far these have been strictly Geographically located -  London only. If you take these tests, and you score within the required exceptionally high range you will receive further information. Even if your score falls short of this threshold, you will have the opportunity to leave your details in case new work arises.
Dr Josh Davis also conducts research on crime and impressions of criminals and victims and he would be very grateful if participants agreed to participate in a study being conducted by his intern, Kirsty Osborn in which you will be asked to imagine you are a member of a jury and to provide a verdict in a case of alleged rape. If you consent to take part, you will be asked to read a description of an alleged rape and fill in a series of questionnaires. This study has been reviewed and approved by the Department of Psychology and Counselling Ethics Committee at the University of Greenwich. It should take about 25 minutes.

IMPORTANT: Due to the contents of this study you may only participate if aged 18 or over and it is strongly recommended not to participate if you have been a victim or witness to any form of sexual assault or believe that participation may cause you distress and anxiety.

If you wish to take part please copy and paste this link into a different browser window/tab:

This will allow you to continue entering information below if you also wish to take part in more face recognition tests.

Please choose one of the three options, and then click on the arrow below.

Yes, I would like to proceed to the next test now

No, I do not want to take part in further tests

I would like to leave my e-mail address in order to be invited to contribute further research
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